Friday, January 11, 2013

More with Dr. John Chia - Llewellyn King Interview

Here is the second part of an ME/CFS Alert interview with Dr. John Chia. Llewellyn King does such a fine job at interviewing his subjects, proving that interviewing is an art. And his subject here, Dr. Chia, is about the best. Dr. Chia has done a great deal of clinical research characterizing a significant insult or pathogen in many ME/CFS patients - enteroviruses (various coxsackie and echo viruses). Here Dr. Chia speaks about treatment with oxymatrine (Equilabrandt), which seems to work in about 50% of cases.

I wonder if any hepatitis drugs in the pipeline would be useful for enteroviruses?

I also wonder if there is some manner in which oxymatrine could be made to be beneficial in a higher percentage of patients - a pretreatment of some sort with diet, gut ecology, and MAF-like substances. Any number of other ways to help lower the collective burden on the immune system might raise the success rate of oxymatrine. Dr. Chia seems to be such an innovator and so individualistic in his thinking - one would have to believe he is thinking along the lines of how to improve efficacy of the one weapon that he has against enteroviruses.


  1. Yes, another excellent interview (both interviewer and interviewer). Regarding your question about hepatitis drugs in the pipeline, see Cort's article on PR ( where he interviewed Dr. Chia in 2011 about a potential Hep C drug for enteroviruses:

    "A Drug Suggests Hope – there is some unexpected hope on the horizon, though. A hepatitis C drug under development will, he believes, be able to knock off the RNA that is causing havoc in ME/CFS. If it does that, that will open the door not only to better treatment but more research.

    “It will be similar enough to the drug that we need…that it will open the door…(hopefully) just as AZT did for AIDS”

  2. I always appreciate your posts. I am a patient of Dr. Chia and enjoyed the interview. I have also wondered about a more comprehensive approach and have integrated Equilibrant with various modalities: GAPS/Paleo diet, proboost, inosine, liposomal C, high dose probiotics and an extensive nutrition regime. I feel that the Equilibrant is more effective in the context of other modalities. I was doing many of these before Equilibrant, but the equilibrant seems to have pushed me strongly in the direction of healing. GcMAF therapies are the next big one on my list. Do you have any thoughts on GcMAF injections vs. MAF 314/MAF 878?

  3. What an amazing moment when Dr Chia states that the most important thing is to ASK about the patients onset, "Did you travel? Did you go to a lake," and candidly faces the camera "Lake Tahoe... Lake Havasu?"

    Havasu is known for amoebiasis.
    But as for Lake Tahoe...

    You will never know, unless you make some effort to find out.
